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Giving to a Community that Gives to Us



Next Step Up is designed to engage Tuskegee University students and high school students in the community. Therefore, volunteer activities such as community trash clean ups, volunteering to package meals at local food bank and volunteering at nursing homes are held to immerse all participants in the Tuskegee community. 


Studies show that participating in community service and being immersed in the inner workings of one's community, helps to foster a strong sense of community pride. We therefore encourage high school students to participate in our community service activities to foster pride, love and belongingness. 

Community Service: Service

Showing Love to Seniors

This Valentine's Day our volunteers and high school students hand created cards and passed them out to seniors at a local nursing home, spreading love and cheer.


City Beautification

As apart of our Environmental Education initiative, our volunteers partnered with the Tuskegee Clean City Committee to help with city clean-up's, picking up waste on the sides of streets. .



Our volunteers participated in a city event to provide fun activities for local youth on Halloween. Through this event, they decorated the trunk of their car and passed out candy.

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